Pofessional Cleaning

Cleaning your teeth is the first step towards good oral health. Brushing along with good oral hygiene helps. However, these steps alone do not ensure a plaque-free mouth. Unremoved plaque can harden into tartar and become the perfect environment for bacteria to thrive in. At Agarwal Dental Care, our preventative dentistry services such as professional cleaning keep your teeth plaque-free and healthy.

Damages Caused By Tartar

The food we eat can leave plaque on the teeth. Plaque is a soft, sticky substance, which sticks on the teeth’s surfaces. Brushing your teeth removes most of the plaque in the mouth. Unfortunately, the molars can’t be reached properly making them vulnerable to decay. Unremoved plaque hardens over time and becomes tartar or calculus. Tartar houses millions of bacteria and sets off a foul scent. No amount of brushing or flossing can remove tartar. Only your dentist, through a professional cleaning, can help.

Unattended, tartar buildup can cause;

Dental scale and clean provides the following benefits:

What is Dental Scale and Clean?

Professional cleaning also called dental scale and clean is the thorough cleaning of your teeth to remove plaque and tartar buildup. The procedure is divided into two main parts. The first part, scaling is the removal of tartar using ultrasonic tools. Tartar above and below the gumline is removed, cleaning all the way down to the gum pockets. After all the tartar is removed, the second step commences. This is the planing or the smoothening of the teeth’s surfaces. It is difficult for plaque to attach themselves on smooth surfaces. With the teeth clean, receded gums can slowly heal and reattach themselves, protecting the teeth’s roots. For best results, a follow up appointment is recommended for your dentist to check on the status of your teeth and gums.

A dental scale and clean is a recommended treatment during dental visits. Ideal candidates are those who have issues with plaque and tartar build-up. The early stage of gum disease is also treated with a dental scale and clean.

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  • Mon-Sat 05:00 PM – 08:30 PM
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